Every day is an opportunity to make an impact. Join us!

Every day is an opportunity to make an impact. Join us! image


raised towards $30,000 goal



Days Left

We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!

Every day we make an impact on our community. Join us!

The COVID-19 pandemic has touched all of our lives in ways that none of us could have imagined at the onset. As is always the case, the neediest among us are being hit the hardest. In Newark, our public school district remains closed and remote learning is a norm that many are having difficulty acclimating to. IHDFNJ serves children and families in under-resourced and under-served communities. Our youth are among those who lack reliable access to the tools needed to learn and succeed during this time. And, our families are among those worried about losing shelter and keeping food in the fridge. There is a cloud of uncertainty hanging over the world at this time and it is darkest over our under-resourced communities.

The "I Have A Dream" Foundation-New Jersey is rooted in serving our Dreamers and their families in the ways that are most needed. Our mission calls us to support our Dreamers from K through career and to partner with their families, ensuring that our impact extends beyond the classroom. We understand that our students will have difficulty succeeding if the day to day barriers to success are not addressed.

We are happy that we were able to spring into action in the early days of the pandemic to make weekly deliveries of food and essential items. This project continues to this day due to the great need that our population has. Our work requires that we meet our youth and their families where they are and provide support that is timely and individualized.

This year's year-end giving campaign is among the most important that we have ever done. Your support will allow us to continue our usual programming and our pandemic support work.

Every day we have an impact on the lives of our Dreamers, their families and the community.

Join us so that you can have an impact on the life of a Dreamer too!
Programs and services include:
  • After-School Programming and Saturday STEAM Academy
  • Tech and Virtual Learning Support
  • Young Men and Young Women's Collective
  • Weekly Deliveries of Food and Essential Items

Increase the impact of your gift; visit DoubleTheDonation.com to learn if your employer offers a matching gift program!